Feng shui, which translates to “wind and water”, seems to be one of the latest home decoration trends; but the truth is, feng shui has been around for a long time. It is the ancient Chinese system of balancing the physical environment to promote a sense of well-being and harmony. In other words, the focus is on the flow of energy.

Though this might seem mysterious, the fundamental idea is pretty simple – seek balance despite constant change. The notion that creating improvements in the flow of energy in the home will lead to positive changes in life might actually hold some water, as studies have shown that one’s environment can have psychological, energetic, and physiological effects.

In order to integrate the idea of feng shui into the home, it is important to open one’s mind and have fun, have good intentions, get rid of things that are no longer used or loved, clean and organize the home, and start things off slowly. It isn’t a good idea to jump in and change the whole house – feng shui does take some getting used to! Here are some helpful ideas for the different rooms in the home:

The living room

By considering how the living room is arranged and what objects are in it, one can help introduce a more positive energy to flow through the home. The living room is a place where the whole family often congregates, so this room is particularly important – especially in the placement of the sofa. Ideally, the sofa should be placed against a solid wall, farthest from the entry, with a clear view of the door. If this isn’t possible, place a console behind the couch to elicit feelings of security.

The living room should have a layout that is conducive to conversation. It should be an inviting room offering an intimate seating plan, with furniture close together, but not jammed in. Plenty of table space for each seat is also a welcoming touch.

Feng Shui home

Feng Shui home

The bedroom

The bedroom is one’s haven, and should be treated as such. Soothing colors, soft linens, and rounded shapes are all excellent choices for a feng shui bedroom. It is a room that promotes rest and relaxation as well as sensuality. It should be inviting and alluring, 32enveloping the occupant into sleep and security. Remove exercise equipment, computers, and televisions, all of which are distractions. The bed should be comfortable and conducive to restorative sleep and sexual healing. A Tempur bed is a good choice, though there are plenty of options available.

The kitchen

The kitchen is a room that nourishes and sustains life, and it should be as close to the front door or back door as possible. The food one eats provides energy for life, and it should be prepared in a well-organized, harmonious kitchen with good lighting, no clutter, and fresh flowers. Fresh, vibrant colors keep it energized and promote digestion.

The dining room

Like the kitchen, the dining room plays a role in one’s nourishment, and it all starts with the shape of the table. Round tables are more conducive to allowing the energies to flow freely throughout the home. Chairs with a solid back with a slightly rounded top are also ideal.

Though it is easier to incorporate feng shui into some homes than others, it is possible – and a lot of fun. Good luck and let the energy flow!