These days we have been waking up with those superficial news of Paris Hilton getting a new dog. Until there everything’s alright, honestly I like to see celebrities walking their dogs to give society an example of how dogs can change your life from good to love. The slap on the face comes when you keep reading and see that she paid $13k for it. There are zillion homeless dogs all around the world and this posh blonde has to pay as much as to buy a car for a new one? Was it necessary? I know, when you see the dog everybody would sell their livers to have one… but what happens when that dog grows up and instead of looking like a tiny fluffy white mouse it starts to look like an adult dog who doesn’t play anymore and whose necessities are bigger and less easy to clean? Then that dog will become the streetmate of the other abandoned dogs who stopped being a cutie.

Look who was under all this dirt!

Look who was under all this dirt!

That’s why in today’s post we help you to have a kinder heart and retrieve faith in humanity. We all have seen those photos of poor homeless dogs (and who says dogs also says cats, horses and company!) and innerly we wish that those doggies find a home soon and we take our eyes apart, thinking that our wish was the good action of the day. Well, of course some dogs will find a home (that could perfectly be ours but never is) but other dogs will meet death. In best cases, they’ll die in the vet, as lonely as they’ve been great part of their life… but in the majority of cases, they’ll die under a car that didn’t see them (or didn’t want to see them), murdered by heartless humans or of hunger or cold. As you can see, our wish here was completely useless.

Little G is young again

Little G is young again

We know that our readers are pretty elegant and glamourous, and their home and family too! Maybe to see a dirty ill homeless dog seems too much for us, but how about if I show you the results of healing and pampering these wonderful creatures? Don’t they fit in the perfect house of your dreams now? All they need is love and, casually… all you needed was love!

Flowers smell sweeter in my new life

Flowers smell sweeter in my new life

After a horrible eye infection, this doggie got a second chance

After a horrible eye infection, this doggie got a second chance

Look at Miley taking a nap

Look at Miley taking a nap

A new furry plush for my bed

A new furry plush for my bed

An angel for Christmas

An angel for Christmas

Who's happier of having found each other?

Who’s happier for having found each other?