Art is as old as mankind especially because it was a means of expression for many years and still continued to be used but in more advanced ways. Before the invention of the camera, artists could draw images that could help remember the times and major events that took place. Although modern technology has brought forth a lot of changes, it is worth pointing out that still life painting is still a major a major form of fine art that stands out.

What is entailed in the documentary?

The story of “Apples, Pears and Paint: How to make a still life painting” by BBC has captured the attention of many on social as well as main stream media because it strives to explain the origin of still life painting and how it has evolved over the years to what it is today. For many years, still life painting has undergone several changes. Among the fist changes witnessed is in the choice of raw materials used in the painting process.

© Manuela Höfer

© Manuela Höfer

As proof that still life painting has been trending on local news channels, the recent BBC production on the subject has caught the attention of many if the interest in the documentary is anything to go by. Following the recent exposure and education on the role of still life painting during the historic times and its transformation to the current trends, it is easy to note that still life painting is still as relevant as it was many years back. The only difference is the setting and the significance it has in society. As the rest of society changes to conform to the current trends, Professor Neil Cox of the Edinberg College of art explains how still life painting developed as well as the journey it has taken to evolve to what it is today. In this recent BBC production and documentary by Professor Neil Cox, many modern artists have come to realize the role they can play and how certain things relate to many others that most people do not even take notice of.

© Erling Steen

© Erling Steen

What is the role of still life painting in modern society?

Photography and camera works have come about long after still life paintings were the most reliable means of keeping community history because many people kept different items that were used to mark certain times or seasons. Art has many functions in society even today in spite of all the developments and changes that are taking place in the sector. Even though there are many ways of keeping cultural heritage today, an artistic expression in the form of a still life painting still excites many people and this explains the high interest in such matters.

© Sue Fask

© Sue Fask

From the numerous changes taking place in the art sector, many art galleries have been established and some of them even have an online presence. This has brought about great changes with many people now able to sell their artifacts globally with the help of the internet and modern websites that can help one exploit their talent better.